upgrade abaqus 直列実行スクリプト




  • ✅ 時々.logファイルが正しくフォルダ内に移動できないBUGを修正した. (.logが読み込み中のため,移動できない) #3

  • Thread=1にしても,複数.inpファイルを置いたとき,列を並べず,同時に二つ.inp流す BUGを修正した.#4

  • ✅ 判定時間及び条件を修正して,流れを最適化した.

  • ✅ #5 2個inpを列に並ぶ時,近似度高い.inpFinishedフォルダに一緒に移動させる.(例えば,job.inpが終了時,_queued_job-1.inp,_queued_job-2.inpも一緒に移動される) ☑️ Fixed it show in 6666908

Update Log 2022.06.22

  • #3 After run queueLoop, I change the sleep time 500ms to 3000ms, that for Waiting for the .log to finish reading and writing status.
  • I delated the For loop with 54 to 63 row and change the sleep time to 2000ms after finishLoop command.
  • #4 Add the sleep time in the finished loop to wait the .log file write to end. (Sleep time is set to 1000ms)
  • When check the file that who is in runing, I change .lck to .log, to prevent .lck from appearing too slow, cause abaqus calculate 2 inp at the same time.
  • #5 When the first name you run siminar the name of queue job, such as job.inp and _queued_job-1.inp. When the job was finished, it will put the _queued_job-1.inp into the Finished folder togther. ☑️ Fixed this issue by add the judgment that do not move the name that stared _queued_ show in 6666908

Where you can download the version 11

You can Download from the link in the table, Or the bottom of this text. I also put it in the BRNAS : You can find it at 📁 \\NAS_sy21\common\便利グッズ\02.解析\直列実行スクリプト

License V11
76 CPU: 4 Coreを使って計算する Download
120 CPU: 8 Core + GPU:1 を使って計算する Download

or There have attachment file below this documentation

Where was changed

For example run50_v10.vbs to v11

Full Change log : https://github.com/ChenYu-K/Data-Processing/tree/main/script/abaqus_run

Bug tester

Thanks for QH.Shen @bridgelab-omu , R.Sakura and JP.Rai @toronion5515 , K.Obaishito test the script, and find the bug.

Creat License

Creat License by #1 , @ChenYu-K Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0